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Choosing a church


At Spirit of Faith Church International, the things of God will come alive as the Word of God is presented in a practical and powerful way, which makes it easy to understand and apply. You will learn how to apply the truths of God's Word to live victoriously over sin, relationship failures, financial problems, fear and so much more. You'll discover that God has a purpose for your life and learn practical steps to fulfill that purpose. Over all, you'll find the help you need to live a better, more meaningful and more fulfilling life, which pleases God. My hope is that you will come visit Spirit of Faith Church International a few times - giving the Spirit of God ample opportunity to show you whether or not this is the place you can grow the best in your faith and contribute to the Kingdom of God by serving others.


Now, more than ever, is a time for people to be in the right local church! A vibrant, Bible-teaching church where the Holy Spirit is allowed to move freely is a refuge in this day when many are facing the storms of life more than ever. It is a place where God has anointed a Pastor to feed you the Word of God and to look after you and help you grow spiritually, so you can gain full access into your God-given inheritance. It is also a safe place from which to go out and reach others who are disoriented and drifting on the rough seas of life.

Our vision, here at Spirit of Faith Church International, is to be such a place. God has said to His prophets over the years that the last days' revival will be in the local churches. So to be a part of this revival and to receive all that God has made available, it is important that you find your place in the local church God has assigned you to. Many people are trying to access the provisions of God without being at the place He has ordained for them. Just because you get your emotions stirred up in a place or your family or friends attend church there, does not mean it's where God has assigned you.
You need to find out where God has placed you! The Bible tells us that "God has set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased Him" (1 Corinthians 12:18). That means that God has a specific place in mind for you and your family to attend. Acts 4:23 calls it, "your own company". This is a place where God chooses for you, not a place you choose based on natural considerations. It is a place which pleases Him. And that may not be the church that your family has always called home. In other words, your job is not to choose a home church, but to pray and ask God which one He has already chosen for you.


In order for you and your family to survive and be successful in these last days it is important that your decision to choose a church be based on more than just location or convenience. Consideration must be given to whether the messages are pertinent to living a victorious Christian life through a meaningful relationship with God and faith in His Word. For that to happen, we need plain, practical teaching from the only reliable source of truth on the earth-God's Word. Those truths should be presented in a way that are practical and easy to apply to everyday life. Amazingly, we see people today who knowingly choose to attend a church that is in direct contradiction to the revealed Word of God. These are called doctrines of men, and they have no power to produce a fruitful Christian life that brings glory to God.

Here are some other things to consider when choosing a church:

Is the church doing something for God?

Is anyone getting saved?

Is the church making an impact on their community and the lives of those who attend?

Are their lives changing from glory to glory?

Is the power of God moving to set people free from bondages?

Does anyone have a vibrant testimony of a changed life?

Are the people being discipled and growing up spiritually?

This is what the Bible calls "fruit" and a church that is doing something for God will abound in it!

If you already have a good home church like I've described above, praise God! I encourage you to be involved and support it with your time, talents and resources. But, if you have not yet found the thriving church God has ordained you to be connected with, there are some things I'd like you to know about Spirit of Faith Church International. Our purpose is to simply give you the information you need to make an informed decision about whether God wants you to take a different direction in your spiritual life.